Wednesday 12 June 2024
American politician in interview with Qodsna:

Sympathy for Palestinian people growing in United States

An American politician told Qodsna that an increasing number of American people find it difficult to justify the extent of atrocities that the Zionist regime is using against the Palestinian people.

Palestinians respond to Zionist truce talks proposal

Just a day after the UN Security Council approved a US-sponsored draft resolution on the Gaza ceasefire, Palestinian resistance movements, Hamas and Islamic Jihad have delivered to Qatar their response to the proposed negotiation with the Zionist regime on the Gaza ceasefire.

Palestinian journalist wins 2024 Courage in Journalism Award

Palestinian journalist Maha Hussaini has won the @IWMF 2024 Courage in Journalism Award, which honors remarkable bravery in the pursuit of reporting and truth.

Zionists continue attacking Rafah amid int'l efforts for ceasefire

Hamas has agreed to a ceasefire resolution adopted by the UN Security Council, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told the Reuters news agency.

Number of journalists martyred in Gaza rises to 150

The number of journalist martyrs who have been killed in the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip rose to 150 martyrs after the martyrdom of three journalists in recent Israeli airstrikes, according to the Government Media Office (GMO) in Gaza.

Hezbollah missile kills Zionist forces in on Golan Heights

The Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah launched a barrage of missiles towards the occupied Golan Heights, which left a number of Zionist military forces killed or wounded.

UNHRC urged to convene to halt genocide in Gaza

Secretary-General of Iran's High Council for Human Rights Kazem Gharibabadi has called for holding a special session of the United Nations Human Rights Council to investigate the crimes of the Zionist occupying regime.

Hamas says ready to implement ceasefire agreement

Senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mardawi said that the Hamas movement is ready to cooperate for the implementation of the ceasefire agreement.

American politician in interview with Qodsna:

Sympathy for Palestinian people growing in United States

An American politician told Qodsna that an increasing number of American people find it difficult to justify the extent of atrocities that the Zionist regime is using against the Palestinian people.

Palestine resistance movements laud UNSC resolution on Gaza Strip

The Palestinian resistance movements, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, have welcomed the UN Security Council's resolution sponsored by the United States on the ceasefire in Gaza.

UNSC adopts Gaza ceasefire resolution

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has endorsed a US-backed proposal that aims to end Zionist more than eight-month genocidal war on Gaza and establish a ceasefire in the besieged Palestinian territory.

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