Wednesday 12 June 2024

Imam Khomeini’s goal
establish cause of Palestinians

Rodney Shakespear: The 31,000 figure omits the tens of thousands of dead people under the rubble. Israel is committing genocide.


Qodsna (Tehran) - Speaking to Qods News Agency, British political analyst, Prof. Rodney Shakespeare talked about the latest developments in Gaza. 



Here is the full texts of interview:

Qodsna: The Islamic Republic of Iran has defined support for the cause of Palestine as one of its priorities since the first day of the victory of the Islamic Revolution. 

As you know, Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Revolution designated the last Friday of holy month of Ramadan as the International Quds Day and had a special view on the Palestinian issues as well as fighting against the Zionist regime and described Israel as a cancerous tumor.  What was the goal of Imam Khomeini in designating the especially day for the Palestinian people?


Prof. Rodney Shakespeare: His goal was to establish the just cause of the Palestinian people as something which goes far beyond a year, decade or century to as far as is necessary to achieve the liberation of AlQuds and the Palestinian people.


Qodsna: A genocide is under way in Gaza . The Palestinian death toll in the Gaza Strip from ongoing Israeli attacks surges to 31,645 martyrs. Israel waging its brutal war on besieged Gaza on October 7 after Hamas carried out an unprecedented operation against the occupying entity in retaliation for its intensified atrocities against the Palestinian people. Do you believe that Israel commiting genocide in Gaza?  


Prof. Rodney Shakespeare: The 31,000 figure omits the tens of thousands of dead people under the rubble. Israel is committing genocide. The International Court of Justice gave Israel thirty days in which to take action (e.g., stopping bombing, supplying food, water and medicine etc) but Israel has done nothing and so is certain to be completely and finally convicted of genocide. The US (which could simply blast open the Rafah crossing so that hundreds of trucks could enter Gaza) is aiding and abetting genocide, as is the UK. Air drops are totally ineffective when two million people are in dire straits.


Qodsna: How do you assess the social awareness in your country about ground facts concerning Israel’s war crimes and its occupation practices? 

Prof. Rodney Shakespeare: The UK situation is astonishing – the political elite is united in shutting its eyes and supporting Israel in genocide.

However, there is clear evidence that a majority of people in the UK now know of, and understand, the truth – genocide.


Qodsna: An immediate ceasefire is more urgent than ever. U.S., Egyptian and Qatari mediators are intensifying their efforts to reach a hostage deal and temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Palestinian group wants guarantee of total ceasefire and Israeli troops’s withdrawal. How do you evaluate the ceasefire process in Gaza? 

Prof. Rodney Shakespeare: There are about six thousand hostages in Israeli prisons including young boys. The only acceptable thing is an exchange of all hostages on both sides, permanent ceasefire, withdrawal of Israeli troops etc.


Qodsna: Palestinian groups called for launching a campaign called “Ramadan Storm” and announced that a global storm should be launched in this holy month against the occupiers and with the aim of supporting the Palestinian people.


At the same time in the holy month of Ramadan, the Zionists plan to intensify their conspiracies against the Palestinian people, especially in Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque. What do you think about Ramadan storm?


Prof. Rodney Shakespeare: Al Aqsa mosque is sacred. The Israelis may blow up the mosque or collapse it in some way (they have dug tunnels underneath). It is all part of the genocide campaign.


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